
英文閱讀素養課(線上掃描QR Code聆聽)

ISBN:9789864414345 科目:英文 出版社:Live ABC 適用:高中 上架日期:2021-04-26 瀏覽人數:2112
優惠價 NT$270 (84折)
定價 NT$320


- 商品特色 -
Unit 1       Ways to Stay Healthy That Don’t Involve Exercise不用運動的保健方法
Reading Skill: Skimming and Scanning
Unit 2       A New Year, a Better You許下新年志願,迎接更好的自己
Reading Skill: Identifying Main Ideas
Unit 3       The Real Johnny Appleseed美國傳奇人物——蘋果籽強尼
Reading Skill: Identifying the Writer’s Purpose
Unit 4       King Arthur: History or Legend? 亞瑟王是否真有其人?
Reading Skill: Identifying the Topic Sentence
Unit 5     Is Breakfast Really the Most Important Meal?早餐真的是最重要的一餐嗎?
Reading Skill: Identifying Reasons
Unit 6       Introducing Margot Robbie實力與外型兼具的瑪格.羅比
Reading Skill: Distinguishing Facts from Opinions
Unit 7       Are Superfoods Really Super? 破解超級食物的「超級」迷思
Reading Skill: Understanding Vocabulary Words through Context Clues
Unit 8       Birds of Paradise: Nature’s Beauties天堂鳥:絕美的化身
Reading Skill: Visualizing and Identifying Descriptions
Unit 9       The Masque of the Red Death〈紅死病的面具〉
Reading Skill: Making Predictions
Unit 10   Which Came First: The Turkey or Thanksgiving?火雞和感恩節孰先孰後?
Reading Skill: Asking Questions for Improved Reading Comprehension
Unit 11   The Life-Changing Effects of Keeping a Journal改變人生,從寫日記開始
Reading Skill: Elements of an Argumentative Essay
Unit 12     The Black Poodle〈黑色貴賓犬〉
Reading Skill: Plot and Sequencing
Unit 13     A Trip to the Fringe熱鬧非凡的愛丁堡藝穗節
Reading Skill: Identifying Mood and Tone
Unit 14   Gift-Giving Customs around the World送禮送到心坎裡:各國送禮習慣大不同
Reading Skill: Compare and Contrast
Unit 15     Thinking in Binaries: Is It Right or Wrong? 二元性思考對或錯?
Reading Skill: Cause and Effect
Unit 16     Facts about Bats關於蝙蝠的小知識
Reading Skill: Identifying Supporting Information
Unit 17     The Benefits of Argan Oil大自然的獻禮:摩洛哥油
Reading Skill: What Are Transitions?
Unit 18     A Peek into Bhutan一窺幸福的國度:不丹
Reading Skill: Reading Charts, Graphs, and Diagrams
Unit 19     Under the Spell of Shopping超市消費停看聽
Reading Skill: Making Inference
Unit 20   The Climate Change Debate: Caused by Nature or Human Beings?大自然或人類,誰才是氣候變遷的元凶?
Reading Skill: Recognizing the Writer’s Attitude and Biases
Unit 21 The Unbreakable Blockchain翻轉未來:區塊鏈的N種應用
Reading Skill: Summarizing
Unit 22     Science Says What?! 別被新聞標題牽著走!
Reading Skill: Synthesizing